Thursday, May 18, 2006

an ugly day, and I'm exhausted (but hooray for first posts)

It's a rainy morning, and I'll be damned if I'm landscaping in this cold wet hell. I made this blog during a period of restlessness early this morning (circa 4:30 AM) after a phone call that didn't set well with me. But hey, productivity ensued, so I guess it's not all bad. Today will serve as a resting period (at least while it's not good weather), and time for me to get some things together.

First, Mark Redburn from Under the Rader emailed me back, responding to my freelancing inquiry. I have to submit a few writing samples of mine, which is scary, but UTR isn't pretentious or excessively verbose like Pitchfork, so I'm actually somewhat confident. Next up, I have to get some things together for an article (due Monday) for the Smyth County News & Messenger. This one deals with homes and wildfire safety. Not the most exciting job in the world, but it's portfolio material and it's a little bit of money. Finally, I have to get ready for an interview with Electric Soft Parade for Skratch Magazine, which should take place on Sunday or Monday.

This summer has been as busy (or busier) than this past semester; the work just comes in different shapes. I'm not complaining (too much) but I just hope I have the time to get everything done.


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