Today's offenses, to which this blurb is a direct response, are as follows:
I read Letter to a Christian Nation earlier today--it's a brief invective against the "moral" majority's crusade to cleanse America (and the rest of the world, too) of its atheistic and humanistic heathens. Sam Harris makes a simple case, one which is almost too easy to follow. His logic basically is there's a "right side" and a "wrong side"; if one religion is correct, then it would follow that the rest are flawed. If there's one tenet of scripture that's to be followed, then all tenets set forth in the scripture must be followed just as strictly. The Christian conservatives in this country are, to me, as scary and threatening as any Muslim "terrorist," though I'm not nearly as incensed by religious moderates and liberals as Harris seems to be. While I disagree with the existence of the Biblical deity known as God and therefore deem the Bible itself to be little more than an outdated, misguided and often insane dictum on morality, there are numerous sects under Christianity's umbrella who I've found to be open-minded and endearing folks.
If I had the energy, I'd delve into my thoughts on animal breeders and the banning of books in high schools, both subjects that disgusted me today. Those will be saved for another day.